Enlistly Relaunch

We are proud to announce enlistly is getting a major overhaul. A new logo, a new app, a new infrastructure, a new tracking system, etc. The following will summarize some of the upcoming changes and how they might affect your shop. The purpose of this announcement is to communicate the upcoming changes prior to "flipping the switch" and make the transition as smooth as possible.

Referral Order Tracking

Enlistly's order tracking system has been rewritten from the ground up. Shops no longer need to add scripts to their theme and checkout manually. This is a big boost in usability and convenience. It's always frustrating when apps require shop managers to be coders. Our main mission was to remove this constraint and make the implementation as seamless as possible. We are also happy to announce order refunds, partial refunds, and cancellations will automatically stay in sync with enlistly.


  • Current shops will need to remove current tracking scripts. Don’t worry, you can remove them after the launch.

The Look

Enlistly's re-branding will be reflected in both the shop and affiliate dashboard. We took advantage of Shopify's Polaris design system so it will feel familiar and clean.

Here is a look at enlistly's new logo!

enlistly's new logo

Here is an early preview of the shop dashboard.

dashboard preview

All in on Shopify

For a short period of time enlistly offered custom shop integrations; referral order tracking for systems outside of Shopify. We have decided to pull the plug on this and go all in on Shopify. Staying focused allows us to implement features much faster and stay up to date with Shopify's continued evolution. Shopify is a wonderful platform and enlistly will continue to grow with it.


  • Current shops with custom integrations will need to migrate to Shopify in order to continue using enlistly. We are happy to help you with this process!
  • For shops to access enlistly, they will need to login through Shopify.

Feature Parity

While some things have changed, we tried to keep the initial launch features as close to the existing features as possible. Most things are in the same place, and most of the pages perform the same functionality.

Traffic has been renamed to Hits. We feel this better represents it's purpose. Traffic was never meant to be a copy of "Google analytics". It was meant to show shops and affiliates how many referral hits they were getting. This is an indication of affiliate links being used. We've also added total hits, top referring sites, and top landing pages.

Banners/Ads has been renamed to Marketing Material. Enlistly is not an ad server and (at least in the near future) doesn't plan to be. We feel renaming banners to marketing material better reflects it's purpose. Uploaded marketing material can be downloaded directly by your affiliates and used accordingly. We've added the option to specify a short description and purpose to better guide your affiliates.

Link Maps have been renamed to Landing Pages. Every landing page entry is provided to the affiliate as a pre-formatted referral url. Think of landing pages as suggestions to affiliates. Ideally they would result in higher conversion rates.

Messages has been temporarily removed. Messages was an underutilized feature so we made the decision to exclude it on the relaunch. We do feel providing communication in platform is important. Enlistly will provide a direct messaging/chat feature in the near future.

We added a new functionality called Exports. Exports can be generated from any resource (orders, payouts, etc) with any filter. This will make data extraction and custom in-house reporting a breeze.

Invoices was overhauled and renamed to Payouts. See below for details.


Enlistly has moved to a payout system. The concept of invoices in enlistly is gone. Existing paid invoices will be converted to payouts. With the addition of realtime order updates, it's reasonable to expect an affiliate to have been paid on subtotals that have changed. In addition, affiliate earnings may have been manually adjusted by the shop. In this event, the affiliate might have been overpaid/underpaid. In the event of an overpayment the amount over paid will be automatically deducted from future earnings. The new payout system is more fluid than monthly invoices. It works more like credit/debit transactions similar to what you would find in your checking account. A payout system like this opens the doors to payment automation features.

overpayment example

Example of an overpayment


  • Invoices are no longer generated monthly. You simply pay with a payout on you own terms.
  • Expect payout automation features in the near future.


Enlistly has introduced tiered pricing plans. Existing shops will be grandfathered with their current plan's pricing. If for any reason enlistly is uninstalled, your shop will lose the grandfathered status of your current plan. Your shop will fall into the new pricing program. Existing shops will not be required to pick from a new plan but are more than welcome to. All plans include unlimited order tracking. Enlistly's new pricing tiers are based on the number of active affiliates, assigned discount codes, and marketing material uploaded. Grandfathered plans will have constraints on these measures. They are very generous, but no longer unlimited.


  • Existing shops will be grandfathered into their current pricing.
  • Uninstalled shops will lose grandfathered status
  • Order tracking is unlimited


June 20, 2020 is the projected relaunch date with a guaranteed relaunch date of July 1, 2020.


We hope this announcement has made you as excited as we are. Change is hard but necessary. We would like to reiterate that the initial relaunch will have minimal shock value. It will feel familiar and most of the functionality is in the same place. This is intentional. We have many upgrades in the queue we look forward to releasing. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any question. Enlistly's goal is to be the best affiliate management platform for Shopify shops. Your feedback is very important.

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